Schedule of Events
January 2025-December 2025

1-7-25 Sacramento Chess Club Quick Chess Championship Qualifier. 5 round Swiss, G/8 d3. This will be the qualifying round for the championship to be held on 1-14. The format: 21 or more entries, there will be three ratings balanced sections with the top two advancing to the finals from each section; if there are 20 or fewer entries, there will be two ratings balanced sections with the top three scores from each section advancing to the finals. Ties for advancement to the finals will be broken with a G/5 playoff. Registration 6:30-6:50. Games start at 7:00. Entry fee $5. USCF Quick Chess rated.

1-14 Sacramento Chess Club Quick Chess Championship. The title will be determined by a six-player round robin with the qualifiers from 1-2. Any ties for the title will be broken using a G/5 playoff. USCF Quick Chess rated. Games start at 7:00.

1-21>28 G/20 Swiss. Six-round swiss with Open and Under 1600 sections, time control G/17 d3. USCF Quick Chess Rated, $5 entry fee. Registration 6:30-6:50 Games start at 7:00 with three rounds each evening. Each section will have its own prize fund. Prizes will be based on entries after the third round. 

1-28 Sacramento Chess Club Team Championship: Captains and Organizational Meeting will be held between rounds 4 and 5 of the G/20 Swiss (approximately 7:40 pm). Team captains are strongly encouraged to arrive with their team rosters (to help speed up the process for round 1) and individuals who would like to play but are not on teams. Team details below.

2/4>3/4 Sacramento Chess Club Team Championship. Team Swiss, 5 rounds, 4 person teams, G/60 +15. No team may have more than 3 alternates. The average rating for any given night may not exceed 1800.00. For purposes of calculating the average ratings, any player rated over 2200 will count as 2200; any player provisionally rated under 1300 and unrated players will count as 1300; any rated; any player with an established (non-provisional rating) below 1200 will count as 1200. Ratings will be based on the January 2024 Supplement. Trophies for the members of the winning team and plaques to the best board score. (To win a board prize, a player must play 60% of the available games on that board. For example, if there are 5 games in the event, a player must play 3 games on a board to win the board prize.) All rounds start at 7:00 pm. Entry fee $20 per team. See the Sacramento Chess Club Rules page for more information.

3-11 G/15 Swiss. Three round swiss, G/15 d5. USCF Quick Chess rated. Two sections: 1600+ and U1600. $5 entry fee. Players rated 1500-1599 may play up into the 1600+ section for an additional $5. Registration 6:30-6:50. Games start at 7:00. Section prizes based on entries.

3-18>4-1 Spring Octos. Eight player sections, G/60 +15. USCF rated and open to all players. $5 entry fee. Registration 6:30-6:50. Games start at 7:00. Octos will be ratings balanced – three games with similarly rated opponents! Section prizes: 1st Place $15, 2nd Place $10.

4-8 G/20 Quads. Four person round-robin quads, Game 17 d3. Rated and open to all players. $5 entry fee. Registration 6:30-6:50. Games start at 7:00. Quads will be ratings balanced – three games with similarly rated opponents! Section Prizes: 1st Place $10, 2nd Place $5.

4-15>5-13 Sacramento Chess Club Closed Championship. Five round round robin, G/60 +15, USCF rated, entry fee $25. Open to the five highest rated players in the Sacramento Chess Club who enter the event plus the winner of the 2024 Sacramento Chess Club Championship (automatic qualifier).  Rules for the event, including prize fund distribution, may be found on the Sacramento Chess Club Closed Championship Rules page. This event will run concurrently with the Sacramento Chess Club Semi-Class Championship.

4-15>5-13 Sacramento Chess Club Semi-Class Championship. Five round Swiss, G/60 +15, USCF rated, entry fee $5. Players will be grouped in 12-player sections. Each of the "Semi-Class" section winners will be recognized as a Club Champion on the Club Champions page. Registration 6:30-6:50. Rounds at 7:00 PM each night. Prizes in each section 1st place - $15, 2nd place - $10, 3rd place - $5. This event will run concurrently with the Sacramento Chess Club Closed Championship.

5-20 G/20 Octos. Eight player, 3-round swiss sections, Game 17 d3. USCF Quick Chess Rated, $5 entry fee. Registration 6:30-6:50 Games start at 6:55. Sections will be ratings balanced and each section will have its own prize fund. Scholastic sections may be formed as needed.

5-27>6-17 Don Dixon and Mike Miller G/30 Memorial Swiss. USCF rated 8 round swiss, G/30 d5. USCF rated, $5 entry fee. Registration 6:15-6:40. Games start at 7:00 each night with 2 games each night.  Prizes will be based on entries after the fourth round.

6/24 Quick Chess (Handicapped Times). Unrated and open to all players. Five round Quick Chess tournament. Time controls are based on the difference in players’ quick chess ratings. $5 entry fee. Registration from 6:30-6:50. Games start at 6:55.

7-1 Sacramento Chess Club G/5 Championship Qualifier. A USCF Blitz rated 7 round Swiss or round robin (with 8 or fewer players per section). This will be the qualifying round for the championship to be held on 7-2. The format: three ratings balanced sections with the top three advancing to the finals from each section. Ties for advancement to the finals will be broken with a G/5 playoff. Registration 6:30-6:50. Games start at 7:00. Entry fee $5.

7-8 Sacramento Chess Club Speed Chess Championship Finals. A USCF Blitz rated ten-player round-robin with the qualifiers from July 1st and defending champion Javier Silva. Games start at 7:00. If there is enough interest, a G/5 side event may be run during the finals.

7-15>8-12 It's Hot Out There Swiss. Five round Swiss, G/60 +15.  USCF rated and open to all players.  $5 entry fee. Registration 6:30-6:50. Rounds at 7:00 PM each night. Prizes will be based on entries after the fourth round.

8-19>26 G/15 Sectionals. Six-round swiss with Open and Under 1600 sections, time control G/12 d3. USCF Quick Chess Rated, $5 entry fee. Registration 6:30-6:50 Games start at 6:55 with three rounds each evening. Each section will have its own prize fund. Prizes will be based on entries after the third round.

9-2 Club Elections. The Sacramento Chess Club will be selecting its officers for 2024-2025. Nominations and the election will be held between rounds two and three of the Quick Chess event.

9-3 Election Day Quick Chess (Handicapped Times). Unrated and open to all players. Five round Quick Chess tournament. Time controls are based on the difference in players’ quick chess ratings. $5 entry fee. Registration from 6:30-6:50. Games start at 6:55. Club Elections will be held between rounds two and three.

9-9>9-16 G/20 Swiss. Six-round swiss with Open and Under 1600 sections, time control G/17 d3. USCF Quick Chess Rated, $5 entry fee. Registration 6:30-6:50 Games start at 6:55 with three rounds each evening. Each section will have its own prize fund. Prizes will be based on entries after the third round.

9-23>11-11 Sacramento Chess Club Championship. Eight round Swiss, G/60 +15 sec increment, USCF rated, entry fee $5. Registration 6:30-6:50. Rounds at 7:00 PM each night. Prizes will be based on entries after the second round. Standard USCF tie-breaks will be used.

11-18 Club Awards Night. The presentation of Club Awards will be between rounds 2 and 3 of the G/5 Double Blitz.

11-18 G/5 Double Blitz. 4 round Game 5 double blitz tournament. Play both white and black against the same opponent. Entry fee $5. Registration 6:45-7:05, round 1 at 7:15. Prizes based on entries. USCF Blitz rated.

11-25>12-9 G/30 Swiss. Rated 6-round swiss, G/30 d5, in three sections: 1800+, 1400-1799, U1400 (no playing up). USCF rated, $5 entry fee. Registration 6:15-6:40. Games at 6:50 and 7:55 each night. Prizes will be based on entries after the fourth round.

12-16 G/20 Octos. Eight player, 3-round swiss sections, Game 17 d3. USCF Quick Chess Rated, $5 entry fee. Registration 6:30-6:50 Games start at 6:55. Sections will be ratings balanced and each section will have its own prize fund. Scholastic sections may be formed as needed.

12-23>30 No events scheduled. Tables at Great Escape Games will still be available for open play. Happy Holidays!