2000 Sacramento Chess Championship
January 15-17, 2000
Final Standings

# Name Rtng Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Total
1 Walter J Shipman 2300 2333 W12 W4 D2 W10 W6 D7 5.0 
2 Kenan Zildzic 2298 2314 W15 W5 D1 D3 W12 D4 4.5 
3 Vinay S Bhat 2417 2432 W18 W17 W10 D2 H--- H--- 4.5 
4 Michael Aigner 2084 2137 W7 L1 L5 W17 W13 D2 3.5 
5 Ziad A Baroudi 2131 2152 W19 L2 W4 D6 L7 W11 3.5 
6 Zoran Lazetich 2210 2221 D13 D19 W8 D5 L1 W12 3.5 
7 David Blohm 2223 2213 L4 W16 D15 D13 W5 D1 3.5 
8 Steven G Ross 2200 2193 W16 W14 L6 D12 H--- H--- 3.5 
9 Antho Rozenvasser 2140 2152 L17 W11 D18 W15 H--- H--- 3.5 
10 Emmanuel R Perez 2372 2355 W11 W18 L3 L1 H--- H--- 3.0 
11 Lawrence Martinez 1834 1870 L10 L9 W17 B--- W14 L5 3.0 
12 Marc T Braverman 2128 2122 L1 W13 W14 D8 L2 L6 2.5 
13 Larry Snyder 2083 2064 D6 L12 W16 D7 L4 D14 2.5 
14 David Lloy Barker 1830 1820 B--- L8 L12 D16 L11 D13 2.0 
15 Kyle Kowalske 2101 2089 L2 B--- D7 L9 U--- U--- 1.5 
16 Gary Knackstedt 1932 1907 L8 L7 L13 D14 H--- H--- 1.5 
17 James Mac Farland 2387 2337 W9 L3 L11 L4 U--- U--- 1.0 
18 Robert D Sferra 2206 2192 L3 L10 D9 U--- U--- U--- 0.5 
19 James Mac Farland 2387 2362 L5 D6 U--- U--- U--- U--- 0.5 
Post ratings based on those calculated by Swis-Sys.
Master-Expert Section Prize Winners
1st Place: Walter Shipman, 5-1; $200 & Trophy
2nd Place: Vinay Bhat and Kenan Zildzic, 4.5-1.5, $67.50 each
1st & 2nd Place U2200:  Mike Aigner, Ziad Baroudi, and Anthony Rozenvassar,
3.5-2.5, $61.67 each

# Name Rtng Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Total
1 Victor T Batangan 1931 1947 D13 W11 W5 W8 W12 D2 5.0 
2 Michael A Marque 1660 1716 L6 W18 W3 W9 W8 D1 4.5 
3 Damarcus T Thomas 1684 1708 W14 L9 L2 W13 W10 W8 4.0 
4 Brendan Jose Birt 1812 1801 L15 W17 W13 L10 W14 W11 4.0 
5 Benjamin S Haun 1609 1660 W17 W15 L1 W6 H--- H--- 4.0 
6 Alexa Setzepfandt 1573 1613 W2 W12 L8 L5 W9 H--- 3.5 
7 Michael A Maloney 1900 1869 H--- L13 L17 W18 W15 W10 3.5 
8 David Lee Gladwin 1930 1875 W16 W10 W6 L1 L2 L3 3.0 
9 Bruce A Stone 1461 1513 W20 W3 L12 L2 L6 W13 3.0 
10 Roy L Mc Collough 1608 1648 W19 L8 W14 W4 L3 L7 3.0 
11 John W Meadows 1544 1572 B--- L1 W15 L12 W16 L4 3.0 
12 Duane K Catania 1863 1837 W18 L6 W9 W11 L1 U--- 3.0 
13 Danny E Rivera 1666 1673 D1 W7 L4 L3 W17 L9 2.5 
14 Ursula Foster 1600 1602 L3 W20 L10 W15 L4 H--- 2.5 
15 Conrad Cota 1655 1614 W4 L5 L11 L14 L7 B--- 2.0 
16 Euphorion Webb 1642 1641 L8 D19 D18 W17 L11 U--- 2.0 
17 Jeff C Andersen 1758 1703 L5 L4 W7 L16 L13 U--- 1.0 
18 Calixto Magaoay 1625 1599 L12 L2 D16 L7 U--- U--- 0.5 
19 Richard Haggstrom 1734 1708 L10 D16 U--- U--- U--- U--- 0.5 
20 Conrad Cota 1655 1612 L9 L14 U--- U--- U--- U--- 0.0 
Post ratings based on those calculated by Swis-Sys.
Reserve Section Prize Winners
1st Place: Victor Batangan, 5-1, $150
2nd Place:  Michael Marque, 4.5-1.5, $110
1st-2nd Place U1800:  Benjamin Haun and Damarcus Thomas, 4-2, $92.50 each

# Name Rtng Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Total
1 David Duvair 1427 1447 L7 W14 W10 W5 W8 D2 4.5 
2 Ricky Yu 1133 1209 L3 W18 W11 W17 W9 D1 4.5 
3 Michael W Smith 1580 1598 W2 D10 W9 W6 H--- H--- 4.5 
4 William L Parker 1363 1386 W8 L6 W5 L7 W15 W11 4.0 
5 Alex J Rupido 1316 1371 W16 W20 L4 L1 W12 W9 4.0 
6 Alan F Howe 1500 1518 W13 W4 W17 L3 D7 H--- 4.0 
7 Dennis G Uyemura unr. 1577 W1 L9 W14 W4 D6 H--- 4.0 
8 Ashley Webb unr. 1356 L4 W13 W20 W10 L1 D12 3.5 
9 Sergey Frenklakh 1554 1506 W11 W7 L3 W15 L2 L5 3.0 
10 Kevin B Batangan 1259 1287 W12 D3 L1 L8 W13 D16 3.0 
11 Christian Duvair 855 881 L9 W12 L2 W19 X--- L4 3.0 
12 William Crow unr. 1140 L10 L11 W18 W20 L5 D8 2.5 
13 Mark Altchek 1247 1229 L6 L8 D16 W18 L10 B--- 2.5 
14 Christie N Hand 1241 1213 D18 L1 L7 L16 B--- W19 2.5 
15 Everett Penn 1205 1213 L17 W16 W19 L9 L4 H--- 2.5 
16 Marvin F Gilbert 1548 1477 L5 L15 D13 W14 U--- D10 2.0 
17 Fred S Silhi 1380 1353 W15 W19 L6 L2 F--- U--- 2.0 
18 Alex Uyemura unr. 891 D14 L2 L12 L13 W19 H--- 2.0 
19 Joe Lyon 624 609 B--- L17 L15 L11 L18 L14 1.0 
20 Robert D Pounds 1427 1360 X--- L5 L8 L12 U--- U--- 1.0 
Post ratings based on those calculated by Swis-Sys.
Reserve Section Prize Winners
1st-2nd Place & 1st U1400:  David DuVair, Michael Smith, and Ricky Yu,
4.5-1.5, $120 each (DuVair wins trophy on tie break)
2nd Place U1400:  William Parker and Alex Rupido, 4-2, $42.50 each
1st Place Junior:  Kevin Batangan, Christian DuVair, and Sergey Frenklakh,
3-3, $13.34 each